Every painting project has a price
and we’ll tell you what it is.
“Middler’s estimated prices are based on a lot of years of research and data. If a painter charges less than Middler’s estimates, then they’re not accounting to do the job right and it will show. If they charge more then they better back it up with their reputation.”
How It Works
Discover how Middler simplifies your painting estimates in just a few easy steps!
Enter your client’s information, location, and details. Hit calculate, and get instant estimates for interior, exterior, and total costs. Plus, find out the amount of paint needed!
Provide your client with a professional estimate including your contact info, logo, and details about the job.
Use your dashboard to track estimates, follow up, and adjust strategies to grow your business and serve your customers better.
A symbol of quality and reliability, Middler Certified estimates provide assurances that prices are as accurate as possible.
The Middler certification is a commitment to quality, consistency, and trust.
Make sure every project is certified by the most accurate calculator in the industry, Middler!
Unlimited for just
$1 per day
Billed monthly or annually.
No contract. No sales pitch.
No hassle.
3 - day FREE trial!
Provide your clients with paint
estimates based on data - not guesstimates
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Who uses Middler?
Used by painters, handymen, contractors, interior designers and more.
When my customers wanted to paint their home, I would have to waste days calling out 5 painters to get quotes for them. With middler, I can tell them exactly how much it will cost in seconds and simply hire my painter in minutes versus days. Time is money and middler saves me a lot of time!
Every client I work with asks me how much it will cost to repaint their new home so any tool like middler that makes me look more experienced to my clients is invaluable to stand out for all the other agents.
We use middler because we want our clients to know we're middler certified. It means a lot to them! We also use it because we can give a lot more estimates a lot faster and it figures out how much paint we'll need in seconds so we can get back to the paying jobs. We could never have grown to where we are without middler.
Middler changed the game for us. I can now tell a client with the utmost certainty what we should budget for painting their home.
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Middler estimates painting jobs by doing all the calculating, with smart technology, that's consistent, accurate, reliable, and professional, every time.